Blind Guardian

Power metal -yhtye Blind Guardian julkaisee vuoden lopulla orkestraalisen albumin

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 3.3.2019
Blind Guardian

Saksalaisella power metal -yhtye Blind Guardianilla on jo pitkään ollut ajatuksissa toteuttaa orkestraalinen albumi, mutta idea on vasta hiljattain alkanut konkretisoitua. ”Legacy of the Dark Lands” -albumi pohjautuu saksalaisen kirjailijan Markus Heitzin perjantaina julkaisemaan Die Dunklen Lande -romaaniin. Kirjan tarina sijoittuu vuoteen 1629, ja se sisältää esiosan Blind Guardianin tulevalle julkaisulle. ”Legacy of the Dark Lands” ilmestyy marraskuun 1. päivä Nuclear Blastin kautta, ja bändi kehottaa hankkimaan kirjan tulevan albumin rinnalle.

”After all these years of guesses, prophecies and other confirming irritations we are happy to announce that Legacy of the Dark Lands will be released on November 1st, 2019. Yes, it is the ORCHESTRAL ALBUM and the release date is carved in stone …, we hope:-). To be prepared for this once in your lifetime experience you better get your version of ’Die Dunklen Lande’ by our friend Markus Heitz, which is out now. ’Die Dunklen Lande’ is closely connected to the orchestral album and features the prequel to Legacy of the Dark Lands. It might also help killing time, a little bit. Enjoy.”

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Blind Guardianin laulaja Hansi Kürsch on myös innoissaan projektista. Hän kertoo, että levyn jokainen kappale sisältää oman tarinansa:

”It’s incredible, that after 20 years we can actually finish this really exciting project. I am so happy and more than satisfied with it. Every single track unveils spectacular worlds and tells its very own story. With this album our biggest creative dream finally becomes reality. It’s really crazy: As Pen&Paper role players we used to listen to Blind Guardian whilst playing. And years later I get to work together with the band, which was incredible. It’s amazing, the things that can happen sometimes. Of course I immediately agreed to join! This creative collaboration is very special for me.”

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