Powerwolf julkaisi musiikkivideon uusimman albuminsa nimikkokappaleesta ”The Sacrament Of Sin”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 24.10.2018

Saksalainen power metal -yhtye Powerwolf julkaisi kesällä seitsemännen studioalbuminsa ”The Sacrament Of Sin”, jonka nimikkokappaleen musiikkivideo on juuri ilmestynyt katsottavaksi. Yhtyeen kitaristi Matthew Greywolf on kertonut tuoreimmasta albumista Overdriven haastattelussa seuraavaa:

”I would say the approach was to expand the territory a bit. I think ’The Sacrament Of Sin’ has become the most diverse Powerwolf album with the most variation in the music and a lot of new elements in our sound. At the same time, I think it’s become a pretty typical Powerwolf album in terms of atmosphere and power and character.”

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”The Sacrament Of Sin” -albumi sisältää myös yhtyeen ensimmäisen oman balladin, ”Where The Wild Wolves Have Gone”, josta Greywolf kertoi näin:

”The idea of writing a proper ballad was growing for a lot of years. I think it was some years ago that on one of the tours, I was confessing to Attila that I was a big fan of those classic rock and metal ballads and he was confessing the same, so we agreed that one day we would write a ballad, no matter what. But it never worked in the past. The fact that we did as a part of ’Blessed & Possessed’ showed us we could go for that, and that we were ready for it. Because, I mean, back then we covered ’Edge Of Thorns’ from Savatage, where we had those verses based on piano and vocals; and that was the first time we tried that, and it sounded pretty great! So when we started writing ’The Sacrament Of Sin’, I had that in mind and I was quite confident that we could realize that long-planned ballad this time. Luckily, it all came together very well and I think, for me personally, it’s one of the highlights of the album, definitely.”

The Sacrament Of Sin” –kappaleen musiikkivideo:

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Powerwolf vie ”Wolfsnächte”-kiertueensa tällä viikolla laajamittaiselle Keski-Euroopan-kierrokselle. Mukana nähdään myös Amaranthe sekä Kissin’ Dynamite.

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