Pretty Maids Circus Helsinki

Pretty Maidsin ystäville iloisia uutisia: laulaja Ronnie Atkins ilmoittaa kukistaneensa keuhkosyövän

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.2.2020
Pretty Maids Circus Helsinki

Julkaisimme sivustollamme lokakuussa uutisen, jossa kerroimme tanskalaisen raskaan rockin veteraanin Pretty Maidsin laulajan Ronnie Atkinsin sairastavan keuhkosyöpää. Laulaja on nyt julkaissut Facebookissa pitkän viestin, jonka mukaan syöpä on saatu nujerrettua, mutta että hoidot tulevat jatkumaan varotoimenpiteenä. Voit lukea Atkinsin viestin tästä:

”Some good news ! A couple of days ago I had the fantastic message that there are no more signs of cancer to be seen/tracked based on the scans that I had taken recently. That’s the best news I have had in a long time, thank god.

”As for everyone who’s encountered cancer, I’m fully aware that it doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m ’homesafe’ and the next 5 years are so to speak crucial, but nevertheless it’s a big step in the right direction and a great relief for me and my family.

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”To avoid or lower the chances of reoccurrences the doctors have reccomended me to undergo immunotherapy for the next year, which I’ve naturally agreed to and allready started up.

”Now it’s time to recuperate, regain some strength and knock myself back into shape, witch I’m eager to do. There will/might be some sequelae that I have to deal with, but so be it. That’s life.

”With the risk of being accused of repeating myself I once again wanna express my sincere thanx to all of you out there (my army of beautiful souls) who’s been supporting me through out this with sweet greetings, messages, advice and prayers. It’s been heart warming and I’m forever grateful.”

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