Primevil vaihtoi nimensä
Ex-Venom jäsenten uusi yhtye Primevil on vaihtanut nimensä Mpire of Eviliksi. Bändi solmi levytyssopimuksen aiemmin tänä vuonna Scarlet Recordsin kanssa ja julkaisee debyyttialbuminsa ”The Creatures Of The Black” tänä kesänä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin kommentit asiasta.
”It was brought to our attention that a band who named themselves after our sixth VENOM album, ’Prime Evil’, had decided to get back together after we had announced our intentions. We had already signed our deal with Scarlet and had appearances booked but we have decide to cancel those shows as our belief is that EVERY band should have a chance and we do not wish to exclude anyone so we have made this change. We apologize to the Venoms Legions and fans who chose our name but we hope you support this/our decision.., and so… welcome to the MPIRE OF EVIL!”
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