Primus julkaisi ”Follow The Fool” -kappaleesta musiikkivideon
Yhdysvaltalainen rockyhtye Primus julkaisi ”Follow The Fool” -kappaleestaan musiikkivideon. Biisi on mukana bändin uusimmalla ”Conspiranoid”-EP:llä. Videon on ohjannut laulaja-basisti Les Claypoolin poika Cage Claypool.
Les Claypool kommentoi poikansa kädenjälkeä seuraavasti:
“‘Fool that Follows the Fool‘ seems frighteningly poignant at this particular time in history. Directed by my son Cage Claypool, the video took on a life of its own, as we see ranting lunatics spewing irrational perspectives onto the eager masses looking for answers and scapegoats for the shortcomings of their lives. Cage paints the picture of these lost creatures blindly following their leader, like glossy-eyed lemmings, to their ultimate downfall. I puff my chest like a proud papa as I watch my son develop into a truly insightful artist.”
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