Progemetallista voimaa päivään: TesseracT julkaisi musiikkivideon kappaleelleen ”Juno”

Kirjoittanut Samuel Järvinen - 11.10.2018

Brittiläinen progemetalli-yhtye TesseracT on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleelleen ”Juno”. Kyseinen kappale on osa yhtyeen uutta ”Sonder”-albumia, joka julkaistiin huhtikuussa. Yhtyeen solisti Dan Tomplins kommentoi videota:

“Writing the lyrics for this album was a cathartic experience and I feel that ‘Juno‘ is probably the epitome of ‘Sonder‘. We wanted to create a video that symbolised the realisation of the constraints that are placed on life. ‘Juno‘ is the embodiment of that feeling. Having worked with Dark Fable Media multiple times, I have grown to love what they do and how they operate. Tesseract have wanted to work with them for a long time now, so this video was a real joy to work on.”

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Yhtyeen basisti Amos Williams jatkaa:

“Technically, this was intense as we filmed everything at double speed to get a weird fantasy vibe that was still in time when replayed at normal speed. Of all the tracks we could have chosen to try this technique, ‘Juno‘ is not the easiest. But, we think the results show for themselves it was worth it!”

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