Progemetalliyhtye Sentinels siirtyi Sharptone Recordsille ja julkaisi uuden ”Inertia”-singlen

Kirjoittanut Suvi Seppänen - 5.2.2021

Yhdysvaltalainen progressiivista metallia soittava Sentinels on solminut levytyssopimuksen Sharptone Recordsin kanssa. Ensitekijöikseen uudella levy-yhtiöllä yhtye on julkaissut ”Inertia”-nimeä kantavan singlen musiikkivideoineen, jonka pääset katsomaan jutun lopusta. Lisäksi yhtyeen uudeksi laulajaksi on vahvistettu Josh Hardiman, joka kommentoi uutta pestiään sekä levytyssopimusta seuraavalla tavalla:

”Sharptone, Sentinels, and the team behind the scenes have taken a huge risk on me, the gravity of which I most certainly feel, but the difference between this weight and my burdens since past, is that now with each passing day I become stronger and more alive. More and more equipped to handle and weather new storms for now I am living a life that I want to have gifted to me by those who believed in me. I will not fail with their continued support. This is a new beginning and I hope that everyone who listens to “Inertia” want to embark on this new chapter with us.”

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Yhtyeen rumpali Dave Rucki puolestaan kertoo tuoreesta ”Inertia”-kappaleesta näin:

”‘Inertia’ perfectly represents the level of aggression we aim for in our music. With Josh’s voice, we were able to elevate that aggression and further convey the more emotional moments in the song. ‘Inertia’ is about suicidal thoughts and confiding in somebody close only to be told “that’s selfish”, then deciding whether to go through with it, or prove that you can overcome it to appease those around you. We have been a band since 2012, but now solidifying our lineup with Josh on vocals, we can confidently say, this is what we had always envisioned for Sentinels.”

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