
Progemetalliyhtye Toothgrinder lainailee Fleetwood Macin klasikkokappaletta ”The Chain”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 22.9.2018

Yhdysvaltalainen progressiivinen metalliyhtye Toothgrinder on julkaissut oman versioinnin Fleetwood Macin vuonna 1977 ilmestyneestä ”The Chain” -kappaleesta.

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“As a child, my father’s three favorite groups were CSNY, Fleetwood Mac and The Allman Brothers. I grew accustomed to southern rock from an early age. As a lyricist, I subconsciously write in that frame of mind. I LOVE a good story written through song. Fleetwood Mac in particular has always held a special place in my heart.

During the making of ‘Phantom Amour’ I needed a break from the recording process to go clear my head. I cruised down to Luray, Virginia through the skyline drive to get some perspective on what I was doing. I parked myself on a stool at an Irish pub somewhere in town. Half in the bag, I listened to Fleetwood Mac’s, ‘The Chain’. I than began writing the lyrics to our ballad ‘Jubilee’. There is something about associating music with my surrounding’s that has always captivated me. Music to me has always seemed like a fantastical theme song to a particular point in time. I wanted to pay homage to the legend’s that helped me write my favorite and most personal song yet. Considering the impact Fleetwood Mac had on the ‘Phantom Amour’ writing process, ‘The Chain’ was the obvious choice. It has this beautiful twang that is so far from anything we have ever done, that I wanted to capture that as well as we could. I hope we did it justice, and without a doubt I am extremely grateful we had an opportunity to do something like this. Gratitude is everything.”

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