Prophets Of Rage 2016

Prophets Of Rage aikeissa ryhtyä täysipäiväiseksi yhtyeeksi: uusi EP luvassa puolen vuoden välein

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 15.11.2016

Prophets Of Rage 2016Rage Against The Machinen, Cypress Hillin sekä Public Enemyn jäsenistöstä koostuva superkokoonpano Prophets Of Rage on aikeissa ryhtyä täysipäiväiseksi bändiksi keikkailun ja satunnaisten omien kappaleiden työstämisen sijaan. Tähän mennessä lähinnä jäsentensä omien yhtyeiden tuotantoa esittänyt kokoonpano onkin jo varannut studiosta aikaa tulevan toisen EP:nsä nauhoituksia varten. Kitaristi Tom Morello kertoi aiheesta Loudwirelle Bowl 4 Ronnie -hyväntekeväisyystapahtumassa:

“We had a great time. It was a band we put together because the times demanded it, but I think the band transcended that original mission. It was probably the most fun I’ve had on any tour. We rocked well, we rocked people hard and in 2017 there will be new music and there will be a lot more shows.”

Myös basisti Tim Commerford otti kantaa aiheeseen:

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“It was never meant to be a one-off, or we’re just doing this because of the election. I think a lot of people maybe think that and I understand why people may think that, but that’s not the case and we already have studio time booked out. We’re gonna make another EP. This next EP will be at least 5, maybe 6 songs that are gonna all be originals. We have the dates in the studio and it’s a few months from now, so we have a little time to think about riffs and thinking about catchphrases and prepare.”

“The plan is to make an EP every six months. Ultimately balance the scale, and whenever I see Chuck and B-Real, I always say, ‘Balance the scale’ and they know exactly what I’m talking about. We gotta balance the scale. We need to make our catalog, with Prophets Of Rage balance against the catalog with Rage Against The Machine, Cypress Hill and Public Enemy.”

”Right now it’s not balanced, so we have a lot of work to do and I’m very confident that in the next year or two people are no longer going to be looking at this project as a one-off or looking at it as a super band that’s a super karaoke band.”

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”We are eventually going to be a real band and kids are eventually are going to be going for our music. I’m so excited for the next EP, I’m so psyched I’m gonna get something in six months and maybe potentially it’s gonna be the best thing they’ve ever done. That’s the way I’m looking at it.”