
Psykedeelistä rockia parhaimmillaan: Hexvesselilta uusi albumi helmikuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 1.11.2018

Kotimaisessa mediassa paljon ylistystä saanut rock-yhtye Hexvessel on julkaisemassa seuraavaa albumiaan helmikuun 15. päivä Century Media Recordsin kautta. Bändin tuleva albumi on saanut nimekseen ”All Tree” ja se on järjestyksessään yhtyeen neljäs. Laulaja Mat McNernery on kertonut albumista seuraavaa:

”’All Tree’ is not just about going back to the heart of Hexvessel, with a slight return to our forest folk roots, it’s about drawing fresh inspiration from my own heritage too. The English pastoral folk influences are infused with Celtic mythology from my Anglo-Irish blood, with Finnish nature as our backdrop.

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From the Canterbury folk scene and early prog bands that soundtracked my youth in England, to the ghost stories I was told as a child on my uncles farm in Ireland, this album is a spiritual journey where the old myths are doorways to enlightenment. The dawn light across boggy fields, the wind blowing through the keyhole, the branches dragging their breath inwards as the seasons ignite a magic sense of mystery about the wilderness. That’s what we tried to bring out into the songs on this album. By bowing old dead tree branches with violin bows, by summoning the sounds of the fire and the birds in the field outside, we gave the music a life which, like the liminal spirits of Samhain drifts in and out of this world. That’s what folk means. It’s the countryside singing out from within me. It’s their story we sing. And no matter where I go or where I end up staying, it’s that folk countryside which is the seed from which I sprang. All Tree.”


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