Pyramaze vaihtoi kitaristia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.11.2011

Tanskalainen metallia soittava Pyramaze on löytänyt uuden kitaristin Michael Kammeyerin jätettyä yhtyeen aikaisemmin tänä vuonna. Uudeksi kitaristiksi on valittu Jacob Hansen, joka tunnetaan ehkä paremmin tuottajana yhtyeille kuten Volbeat sekä Within Y. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen virallien viesti aiheeseen liittyen.

”It seemed so natural to us to bring Jacob on board, given that he has always felt like an extra member of the band anyways. He has been with us since the beginning, producing, mixing and mastering ’Melancholy Beast’ and ’Legend Of The Bonecarver’, and mixing and mastering ’Immortal’.

”It’s no secret that Michael [Kammeyer] was the main songwriter in PYRAMAZE, as well as the backbone of the band in every conceivable way. However, with our new lineup that also consists of original members Morten Gade (WUTHERING HEIGHTS) and Jonah Weingarten (STRUCTURE OF INHUMANITY, ECHOTERRA), longtime lead guitarist Toke Skjønnemand and new vocalist Urban Breed (TAD MOROSE), we have split up the songwriting duties, and pledge to put our hearts and souls into this new album and the future of PYRAMAZE.

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”Michael’s shoes are big ones to fill, (literally) and in doing so we feel that we are honoring his legacy to the best of our abilities.

”Before Michael and Niels (bass) had announced their departures from the band, we had already arranged to have Jacob mix the new album, so the transition has gone smoothly to say the least.

”We want to thank our fans for standing by us through all of our hardships, and we promise to deliver the best album we can. We love you all!”

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