Queens Of The Stone Agen Josh Homme vahingoitti kuvaajan lisäksi myös järjestyksenvalvojaa bändin konsertissa
Uutisoimme sivustollamme hiljattain yhdysvaltalaisen rock-yhtye Queens Of The Stone Agen laulaja-kitaristi Josh Hommen potkaisseen yhtyeen konsertissa ollutta naiskuvaajaa päähän. Nyt Getty Images -sivuston valokuvaaja Jeff Kravitz on kertonut, että Homme potkaisi myös lavavalon järjestyksenvalvojan päähän. Kravitz kertoo:
“Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age sent two people in the photo pit to the medic last night. One was photographer Chelsea Lauren who posted a video of getting kicked in the head that is just shocking in it’s casual approach to violence. The other victim was a security guard who got a light kicked into the back of his head. Never in all my years have I seen such a bully on stage. He also insulted Muse and sliced his own face open with a knife. When you have no talent you have to get attention by being a moron. He’s banned and this is the last time I will shoot him.”
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Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age sent two people to the medic. Photog @ChelseaLaurenLA and a security guard with head wounds. Check out Chelsea’s video. He also insulted @muse and sliced open his own face with a knife. I’ll never shoot him with a camera again. Bully. pic.twitter.com/3HrCcFvzxX
— Jeff Kravitz (@jeffkravitz) December 10, 2017