Rage Against The Machinen Tim Commerford ei usko ISIS-järjestön aitouteen
Rage Against The Machinen basisti Tim Commerford on herättänyt suurta mediahuomiota Rolling Stonelle antamallaan haastattelulla. Sen lisäksi, että mies lyttäsi Limp Bizkitin hän on esittänyt näkemyksiään ISIS-järjestöstä sekä Yhdysvaltain republikaanipuolueen presidenttiehdokkaasta Donald Trumpista. Voit lukea salaliittoteoreetikoksi tunnustautuvan Commerfordin mietteet täältä:
Keskusteltaessa Donald Trumpista:
Oh, I’ll tell you what’s going to happen right now. He has united these racist people in America to focus on immigration and at the last minute — mark my words — he’s going to drop out and he’s going to hand the sword over to Jeb [Bush], and Jeb will get all the supporters that Trump has. It’ll probably be another eight years of Bush, which sucks but I don’t know that that’s any different than eight years of Obama. It’s a bunch of bullshit just like, ”I’m going to get out of Afghanistan and pull the troops out of Iraq.” I’m a conspiracy theorist, so you don’t really want to get me started on this.
Like, ISIS? I don’t believe ISIS is real. ISIS has been an inspiration for a lot of the songs that I wrote with Wakrat. I don’t believe that all the different factions in the Middle East have gotten together and said, ”OK, we all hate each other and we all hate America, so let’s all put on the ISIS uniform and join forces and just become ISIS.” That’s a bunch of shit. I don’t believe the Jihadi John beheading video. Go look at those videos and study them, and see if you don’t think they’re fake.