Ragnarokin uutuuslevy kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan

Kirjoittanut Rudi Peltonen - 21.3.2016

Ragnarok 2016Norjalainen black metal -yhtye Ragnarok on laittanut 25.3. ilmestyvän ”Psychopathology”-levynsä kuunneltavaksi kokonaisuudessaan nettiin Terrorizer Magazinen kautta. Levyn pääset kuuntelemaan tästä:

Ragnarokin kitaristi Bolverk kuvailee tulevaa albumia näin:

“The new Ragnarok album follows in the footsteps of its predecessor ‘Malediction’. A mix of old Ragnarok and newer inspiration. The title of the album is ‘Psychopathology’, a term which in short means to dissect someone’s mind. A couple of lines of text from the title track are: “I’m inside your mind. I dissect your soul,” and one of the points of the lyrics is that sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. This is by no means a concept album, but most of the lyrics can be associated with madness or deviation in some form or another. To make it very brief: ‘Dominance and Submission’ is about sadomasochism. ‘The Eighth of the Seven Plagues’ and ‘Heretic’ are about religion. ‘Where Dreams go to Die’ is about madness. ‘Lies’ and ‘I Hate’ are pretty self-explanatory. ‘Into the Abyss’ is about the dark path that most of us are on. ‘Infernal Majesty’ is a tribute to our master. ‘Blood’ is about sacrifice. ‘My Creator’ has some very personal lyrics written by Jontho, while the other lyrics are written by (myself) Bolverk”.

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Norjalaisten black metal -veteraanien uuden levyn biisien live-kunnon voit todistaa toukokuussa Hyvinkäällä järjestettävässä Steelfestissä.