Rammsteinin Till Lindemannin asianajajat estivät saksalaisen uutistoimiston Der Spiegelin raportoimasta lisäsyytöksiä häntä vastaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.7.2023

Julkaisimme sivustollamme kesäkuussa uutisen, jossa kerroimme saksalaisen industrial metal -jättiläisen Rammsteinin laulajaa Till Lindemannia kohtaan esitetyistä erilaisista syytöksistä.

Nyt Till Lindemannia edustava lakitiimi Schertz Bergmann on onnistuneesti estänyt saksalaista uutislehteä Der Spiegelia julkaisemasta uusia syytöksiä Lindemannia vastaan. Schertz Bergmannin mukaan Hampurin aluetuomioistuin toteaa päätöksessään, että ”tälle vakavalle epäilylle puuttuu tarvittavat vähimmäistodisteet” ja sen vuoksi Der Spiegel ei saa aiheesta meneillään olevan tutkinnan johdosta uutisoida lisää. Voit lukea alunperin saksaksi julkaistun englanniksi käännetyn viestin lakitiimiltä tästä:

”On the cover of its edition dated June 10, 2023 (Issue No. 24/2023), SPIEGEL reported under the headline ’Twilight of the Gods’ about allegations made by various women. The article was also published online under the title ’Sex, Power, Alcohol – What the young women from Row Zero report’ in the SPIEGEL+ subscription section.

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”By interim injunction of the Hamburg Regional Court dated July 14, 2023, SPIEGEL has now been prohibited from suggesting that Till Lindemann drugged or had women drugged with knockout drops/drugs/alcohol during concerts of the group ’Rammstein’ to enable him to perform sexual acts on the women. In the grounds of the decision, the Hamburg Regional Court states that there is a lack of the necessary minimum evidence for this serious suspicion.

”Specifically, it states: ’None of the statements of the witnesses, who have made their statements under oath or to the authors of the applicant (cf. affidavits of the authors of the applicant …), give rise to the suspicion that the applicant drugged or had women drugged with knockout drops/alcohol/drugs at concerts to enable him to perform sexual acts on the women.’

”The reference to the insufficient affidavits of the alleged witnesses is particularly relevant because SPIEGEL based its reporting prominently on alleged conversations with a dozen women and also on the signing of several affidavits. With the decision of the Hamburg Regional Court, the most serious allegation made in the contested SPIEGEL article has been legally prohibited.

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”In addition, SPIEGEL has been prohibited from making two false factual claims. The court’s injunction covers 18 partially long passages of the article, which are reproduced in detail on 6 pages of the interim injunction.

”The decision of the Hamburg Regional Court is exemplary of a suspicion reporting on the ’MeToo’ topic that has completely gone off track in recent times. Aware that reporting on this topic ensures high sales and online views, the media increasingly ignore the guidelines established by the case law for suspicion reporting. Again and again, serious allegations are reported even though only one-sided statements are available and criminal investigations have not been initiated or are still at an early stage. This leads to massive pre-judgements and violations of the presumption of innocence as provided by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

”To the extent that the suspicion prohibited to SPIEGEL has also been raised by other media, we will take legal action against them as well.”

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