Randy Blythe kehuu vuolaasti politiikkaan siirtynyttä Chthonic-vokalistia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 18.1.2016

Chthonic Freddy Lim 2016Lamb Of Godin vokalisti Randy Blythe on onnitellut vuolain sanoin ystäväänsä Freddy Limiä joka valittiin viime lauantaina Taipein kaupungin 5. kaupunginosan lainsäätäjäksi Taiwanissa. Lim tunnetaan paremmin black/death metal -yhtyeensä Chthonicin vokalistina ja on kotimaassaan suuri tähti. Pääset lukemaan Blythen kunnioitusta huokuvan onnitteluviestin tästä:

Freddy Lim ei ainoastaan voittanut kilpailijaansa Lin Yu-Fangia yli 6000 äänen erolla vaan nousi voittoon itse perustamansa New Power Party -puolueen listalta. Puolueen päämääränä on vahvistaa Taiwanin omaa kansallisidentiteettiä valtion itsenäisyyden ollessa edelleen epäselvää. Blythe pitääkin tätä suoritusta erityisen kunnioitettavana. Hän kertoo viestissään myös kuinka tapasi Limin Lamb Of Godin ja Chthonicin soittaessa yhdessä Ozzfest-festivaaleilla vuonna 2007.

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“At the moment, I don’t have the words to describe how proud I am of the man in the middle of this photo, my friend Freddy Lim. Freddy is standing here with his band mates, the members of Taiwan’s black/death metal band, Chthonic. Why is Freddy wearing a suit while the rest of the band is in their crazy stage gear? Because Freddy decided to run for office in Taiwan’s national legislative elections this year, trying gain a seat in their parliament/congress (or whatever the Taiwanese equivalent of that is- it’s confusing to me).

Not only that, he decided to start his own political party in order to do so, the New Power Party. I have been friends with Freddy & his bandmates since Chthonic played with us at Ozzfest in 2007- they have even flown me to Taiwan to play gigs & act in a crazy political/comedy/Kung fu movie. They are immensely cool people, & very engaged with their community in Taiwan. Freddy is also the president of Taiwan’s chapter of Amnesty International, & has a done a ton of charity work.

Taiwanese politics is an INCREDIBLY complex subject that I only barely comprehend (this goes back to the WWII era & the Chinese Civil War between Mao Zedong & Chiang Kai-shek- basically China still claims Taiwan as its own, & there are people in one of the political parties in Taiwan- the KMT- founded by Chiang Kai-shek, who claim that they are the rightful rulers of China, not the communists- it’s freaking INSANE- technically & legally, the Chinese Civil War never ended), but basically Freddy ran on a platform of maintaining & solidifying Taiwanese national independence from China (which is another crazy issue, because technically no really knows Taiwan’s legal status as a nation) & trying to fix income quality in Taiwan- AND HE WON.

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One of the six mainstream party opponents in the race urged people not to vote for him because he “has hair that is longer than a woman’s hair and is mentally abnormal”- well, it looks like the people have spoken, so IN YOUR FACE, pal! Freddy is one of the most politically astute people I have ever met, & I am so proud of him for trying make a change in his country & community! CONGRATS, bro!”

Randy Blythe julkaisi viestin alunperin omalla Instagram-tilillään.