Ranskalainen mustan metallin veteraani Merrimack kiinnitetty Season Of Mistille

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 30.1.2017

Ranskalainen pitkän linjan black metal -yhtye Merrimack on solminut Season Of Mist Recordsin kanssa, ja valmistelee parhaillaan tulevaa viidettä albumiaan julkaistavaksi levy-yhtiön kautta. Yhtye on kommentoinut tuoretta sopimustaan seuraavasti:

”We are pleased to announce that MERRIMACK is joining the Season of Mist roster. Signing with the leading force of the French shores is a decisive step in our goal to deliver the blackest of metals, without compromising our art, and with the means of a well established company who proved to release the finest artists. Working with fellow countrymen will ensure a fruitful cooperation, and their unquestionable professionalism can be nothing but a motivation for the band to make this union last long!”

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