Ranskalaista progemetallia: Novelists FR julkaisi videon uudesta ”Lost Cause” -kappaleestaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.11.2020

Ranskalainen progressiivista metallia soittava Novelists FR on julkaissut YouTubessa videon uudesta ”Lost Cause” -nimisestä kappaleestaan. Yhtye työsti kappaletta yhteistyössä tuottaja Dan Lancasterin (Bring me the Horizon, Blink 182, One Ok Rock) kanssa, ja voit kuunnella lopputuloksen tästä:

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Yhtyeen basisti Nicolas Delestrade kertoo kappaleesta seuraavaa:

“Lost Cause is actually the first song we all wrote together. Because everyone in the band has very different backgrounds, influences, and musical preferences, it’s by far our most diverse track yet. We already knew Tobias from a few shows and festivals we played together and when it was clear that Alazka would break up, he contacted us immediately and wanted to be part of Novelists FR. After a few trial studio sessions, we realized how well we harmonize together and a month later we booked the studio again to work with Tobias on new Novelists FR material.

We wanted to keep the song lyrically as open as possible so that everyone has the chance to identify with it. if you find yourself personally in the music or the lyrics, the songs can give you so much more.”

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Tobias Rische – laulu
Florestan Durand – kitara
Nicolas Delestrade – basso
Amael Durand – rummut

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