Rauhaa levottomalle mielelle: Killswitch Engagen laulaja Jesse Leach julkaisi ambient-projektinsa tiimoilta ”At First Light, It Begins” -albumin

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 23.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisesta metalcore-yhtye Killswitch Engagesta tunnettu laulaja Jesse Leach julkaisi ambient-projektinsa The Way Back Withinin tiimoilta albumin nimeltä ”At First Light, It Begins”. Albumi on saatavilla Bandcampin sivuilta.

Levyn viisi kappaletta tarjoavat 42 minuutin ajan syvää, meditatiivista tunnelmointimusiikkia. Leach ammensi inspiraationsa luonnosta sekä taiteilijoilta, jotka ovat häntä inspiroineet. Julkaistun musiikin on tarkoitus rauhoittaa levotonta mieltä.

Leach kertoo tuoreesta musiikistaan:

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”I love this kind of music or soundscape as some would call it. I frequently listen to ambient music to help clear my head and relax me. I hope this music helps people to be able to take a break from the chaos of the world and find some balance and peace, even just for a few minutes. Lastly I recommend wearing headphones for an optimum listening experience.”


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My first Official Ambient album “At First Light, It Begins” is available on band camp now for $3.33 (link in bio above or search “The Way Back Within” on Bandcamp). This album is 42 minutes of deep meditative ambient music and field recordings of nature. I draw my inspirations from nature and artists that have inspired and helped me along the way with my journey from @brianeno , @theorblive , @steveroachofficial and @chadlawsonpiano . I decided to release this today because my computer crashed last night with all of my new material on it I’ve been working on the past few months. As well as 3 @dead_trees_official songs…I hope to be able to recover and eventually release that music…however in the meantime I give you 5 songs that brought me real therapy. I created these songs with sounds from various parts of the world. This is music made with the intention of helping to soothe and calm an anxious mind. I love this kind of music or soundscape as some would call it. I frequently listen to ambient music to help clear my head and relax me. I hope this music helps people to be able to take a break from the chaos of the world and find some balance and peace, even just for a few minutes. Lastly I recommend wearing headphones for an optimum listening experience. . Thank you for your support friends 🙏🏼 . #TheWayBackWithIn #AtFirstLightItBegins #Ambient #Meditation #MentalHealthMusic #PeacefulSounds #SoundScape #MusicalTherapy

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