Refused, Circus

Refused julkaisi videon tuoreesta ”Born On The Outs” -kappaleestaan: paljastaa biisin olevan osittainen cover Swedish House Mafian “Greyhound“-kappaleesta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.10.2020
Refused, Circus

Ruotsalainen hardcore punkin legendoihin lukeutuva Refused on julkaisemassa uuden, ”The Malignant Fire” -nimisen, viidestä kappaleesta koostuvan EP:n marraskuun 20. päivä. Yhtyeen tulevalta EP:ltä on nyt julkaistu musiikkivideo biisistä nimeltä ”Born On The Outs”, ja voit katsoa sen tästä:

Yhtyeen laulaja Dennis Lyxzén on paljastanut tuoreessa lehdistötiedotteessa, että kappaleen runko on alun perin otettu Swedish House MafianGreyhound“-kappaleesta, josta yhtye on muovannut täysin oman versionsa. Lyxzén kertoo biisistä ja EP:stä seuraavaa:

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“Kris [Steen, guitars] has talked about the riff in the Swedish House Mafia song ‘Greyhound‘ forever, so we decided to give it our own spin. [Drummer] David [Sandström] and I added some lyrics for this version, which we’ve called ‘Born On The Outs.’ Make no mistake though; this is very much ‘Greyhound.’ But with added lyrics about people who refused to take a side in the ongoing fight against fascism. So, you know, another ordinary Refused song.

There are certain traditions within the Refused camp and one of the sturdiest is the idea that after every album there comes an EP. This time, however, I think that we outdid ourselves. ‘Malfire‘ is my favorite song of the record so it’s more than fitting that we shine some extra light on that.

This EP was supposed to be something that was released before a tour but in these weird times that tour never happened. However, this still a great EP that follows a great record. More than ever, we need music to lead the way when things are the darkest. Here’s a little attempt from us.”

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EP:n kappalelista:
01. Malfire
02. Born On The Outs
03. Organic Organic Organic (Go Fuck Yourself)
04. Faceless Corporate Violence
05. Jackals Can’t Be Bothered To Dream

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