Refused vokalistin mukaan bändin paluu on nyt pysyvä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.5.2015

REFUSEDLos Angeles - October 13-15, 2014Dustin Rabin Photography 2679Ruotsalaisen hardcore punk -yhtye Refusedin vokalisti Dennis Lyxzén on antanut hiljattain haastattelun, jossa puhuu yhtyeen päätöksestä palata yhtyeen ja tehdä uusi albumi. Dennisin mukaan yhtyeellä oli alunperin tavoitteena vain soittaa sovitut 10 keikkaa vuonna 2012 mutta bändistä tuli kuin tulikin lopulta monien eri asioiden summana taas täysin aktiivinen yhtye. Voit lukea Dennisin mietteitä asian tiimoilta tästä:

“Well, we initially set out just to do 10 shows. But then we decided we were going to continue, and we became a band. And I think that’s a big difference. At this point Refused is not on a reunion tour. We are a band – a contemporary band that is putting out a record. And it’s not nostalgia or a throwback. Refused 2015 is just Refused. So that’s our future. And it’s gonna be intense, but not as intense as it was in the Nineties, because we’ll have the time and the leverage to do other things we want to do.

I mean, a couple people in the band have kids and families. I played 110 shows last year with my other band [INVSN], so that’s something I’m still gonna do. Kris is an opera director. David just finished up a play in Stockholm. So there will be other things happening around us at all times. But our idea is tour this record for at least two years, and then we’ll see if a new record comes out of that or if it’s time for another break. But really, who knows? I mean, Freedom isn’t even out yet. Maybe this record comes out and people say, “Fuck these guys!” Then I guess we’ll just travel around in a van again [laughs]. Either way, I can say that the future of Refused, it’s a bright one.”

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Refused julkaisee uuden ”Freedom” -nimisen albuminsa kesäkuun 30. päivä Epitaph Recordsin kautta.