Rhapsodysta tutut Luca Turilli sekä Fabio Lione studioon Turilli/Lione Rhapsodyn kanssa debyyttialbumia nauhoittamaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 22.12.2018

Italialaisesta power metal -veteraani Rhapsodysta tutut Luca Turilli sekä Fabio Lione ovat siirtyneet Domination-studioon Fiorentinossa, San Marinossa nauhoittamaan debyyttialbumiaan Turilli / Lione Rhapsody-nimen alla. Voit katsoa yhtyeen julkaiseman videoviestin aiheesta tästä:

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Mainos päättyy

”The moment to enter the studio has finally come. For this new band we want a specific modern-day sound that Fabio and I always dreamed to have. The search for a great studio was quite easy and we ended up choosing the DOMINATION STUDIO of Simone Mularoni in San Marino. Simone and his well-known studio are synonymous with top-quality, he is an amazing engineer and has that “workaholic” attitude we all share together and love so much. Time to start and no need to say we are excited like children. We will keep you updated!”