Richie Faulkner: ”Andy Sneap oli ensimmäinen vaihtoehto meille Glenn Tiptonin korvaajaksi”
Englantilainen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priest on aloittanut keikkailun tuoreen ”Firepower”-albuminsa tiimoilta ja bändin kitaristin Glenn Tiptonin tilalta lavalla ollaan nähty bändin tuoreen albumin tuottanut Andy Sneap. Yhtyeen kitaristi Richie Faulkner on antanut hiljattain japanilaiselle toimittajalle Masa Itohille haastattelun, jossa on paljastanut Andy Sneapin olleen bändille ensimmäinen vaihtoehto Glennin korvaajaksi tulevalle kiertueelle tämän sairastaessa parkinsonin tautia. Voit lukea Richie Faulknerin ajatuksia Andy Sneapista tästä:
”He was sensitive to Glenn’s situation, he took it seriously and having that trust with Andy is important when we were considering who was going to fill in for the live thing. Andy was the choice, the first choice. It was Glenn who suggested Andy. He’s a good guitar player. He’s sensitive to the situation. He’s not going to come in and want to take over everything. Actually, in testament to Andy, he was the first guy to say, ’I’m not joining Judas Priest. I’m here to help Glenn and help the band, but Glenn is the guitar player in Judas Priest and that’s it.’ Again, respect to Andy for realizing that situation, which is why I think it confirmed that was the right choice to make with Andy. No, on the record, he didn’t play anything. Him and Tom Allom, which is obviously one of the producers from back in the day, they were just fundamental in how this record sounds, getting the best performances out of everybody, getting the best sounds and the best energy that is possible. Again, it’s like a family and he was a part of that family so it makes sense for him to be there, flying the flag for Glenn.”
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