Rings Of Saturn vaihtoi rumpalia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.12.2013

Rings Of Saturn 2013Yhdysvaltalainen deathcorea soittava Rings Of Saturn on vaihtanut rumpalia. Yhtyeessä ennen soittanut Jesse Beahler on jättänyt yhtyeen ja hänen tilalleen yhtyeen uudeksi rumpaliksi on nimetty Aaron Kitcher (Black Tongue). Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen virallinen tiedote asiaan liittyen. 

“Our drummer, Jesse Beahler, has made the decision to leave Rings of Saturn in order to put all his concentration into his other band Black Crown Initiate. It was awesome touring with him, and we wish him the best of luck in his future musical endeavors!

Despite this unfortunate news, we also want to announce that we are officially working on a new record! Because of our drum situation, Aaron Kitcher from BLACK TONGUE and Infant Annihilator has agreed to do the drums on our 3rd album. We are SUPER excited about this and feel that his input will really blow peoples minds on our new material.

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Aaron will not be joining the band because he is already committed to two very active bands. So, we ARE looking for a touring drummer who can play material from Embryonic Anomaly, Dingir, and will be down to learn songs from the new record so we can hit the road on tours to support the upcoming release. If you are an epic drummer who is up for this, send some play through videos our way!”