Rise Againstilta video ”Pain Mgmt” -kappaleesta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.9.2022

Melodisen hardcoren lipunkantaja Rise Against julkaisi kesäkuussa viimeisimmän, ”Nowhere Generation II” -EP:nsä Loma Vista Recordingsin kautta. EP:ltä on nyt julkaistu video kappaleesta ”Pain Mgmt”, voit katsoa sen tästä:

Yhtyeen tuoreen videon on ohjannut aktivistinen taidekollektiivi Indecline, joka kertoo videosta seuraavaa:

“Of the many unthinkable battles we find ourselves forced into by those who seem hellbent on paralyzing an educated and inspired populace, the battle for knowledge seems more relevant today than it ever has. From our classrooms to our collectives, knowledge is the only weapon that can liberate a people without violence. In the face of the ever changing brands of fascism and control, all resources and energy must be exhausted to ensure everyone has access to their own mental and spiritual liberation.”

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Rise Againstin laulaja-kitaristi Tim McIllrath kertoo kappaleesta puolestaan seuraavaa:

Pain Mgmt’ is one of my favourite songs off II, and Indecline went way above and beyond creating this video that manages to pack so much narrative, suspense, and meaning into one song.”

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