Rise And Fall tauolle
Belgialainen hardcore -yhtye Rise And Fall on ilmoittanut siirtyvänsä tauolle. Bändin edellinen albumi ”Faith” julkaistiin aiemmin tänä vuonna. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen virallisen viestin aiheesta.
”Not to leave anyone in the cold after the anecdote regarding the awesomeness of Harm’s Way and without wanting to start namedropping like there is no tomorrow, we must admit that in the almost 10 year history of Rise And Fall we have come across some of the most generous and awesome people you could ever meet. Whether it’s the bands we have been on the road with, the people that put out our records or random people that helped us out and showed their appreciation. We have been truly blessed. We will be laying low for a while now. Not sure how long. But know this…it’s not the end. Thank you for caring.”
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