Lords Of Black

Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow:ssa laulava Ronnie Romero on jättänyt oman yhtyeensä Lords of Blackin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 4.1.2019
Lords Of Black

Parhaillaan kitaralegenda Ritchie Blackmoren luotsaaman Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow:n keulilla laulava Ronnie Romero on päättänyt jättää oman yhtyeensä Lords Of Blackin, jossa ehti vaikuttaa lähes viiden vuoden ajan. Romero on julkaissut aiheesta lyhyen viestin ja voit lukea sen tästä:

”Just to inform that since some weeks ago I did leave my ’job’ as lead singer in LORDS OF BLACK. Almost five years of good music, great experiences and too much love and support from the fans around the world. Means a lot, so THANKS so much to all!! All the best to my ex-bandmates in their career.”

Lords of Blackin kitaristi Tony Hernando on kommentoinut Ronnie Romeron lähtöä yhtyeestä seuraavasti:

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”I just want to confirm that Ronnie Romero is no longer the singer for LORDS OF BLACK. This is something that I knew when I was already working on new LORDS OF BLACK music, and, as you can imagine, it’s something disappointing and truly heartbreaking.

I respect his decision, and I can only say it has been a great journey these five years making great music together and achieving goals that seemed impossible. For that I will be forever grateful.

Now it’s time to find a new singer, get the band at full speed again and make the best album yet. I want to be clear about confirming that LORDS OF BLACK will be at Leyendas Del Rock festival in August, and other live gigs are being booked at the moment. Last but not least, I want to thank YOU the fans! You have been amazing and I will give you everything I have! LORDS OF BLACK rules!!”

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