Rob Halford: ”Judas Priest tekee ehdottomasti vielä uuden albumin.”
Englantilaisen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priestin laulaja Rob Halford on antanut Australiassa May The Rock Be With You -nimiselle sivustolle videohaastattelun, jossa hän on paljastanut hieman bändin tulevaisuuden suunnitelmia. Halfordin mukaan bändi on tällä hetkellä sellaisessa iskussa, että tekeillä on ehdottomasti tämän vuoden keikkailun jälkeen uusi albumi bändiltä. Halford kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:
”I would say much of the same. The fact is, PRIEST is on a roll and we’re on fire with this music and the reaction, the support from our fans and everybody is what gives you that thought of, ’What would happen if we wrote another song? Then another song? Then an album? We might as well go out and tour again.’ It’s a lot of things combined that really still keep us active and keep us to what’s next to be done. Each PRIEST album, if you think about it, is by definition, has its own character and sound. ’British Steel’ is light years away from ’Painkiller’, which is light years away from ’Stained Class’, which is light years away from ’Sad Wings Of Destiny’ and ’Sin After Sin’ and on and on and on. That’s part of the intriguing part of PRIEST. We’re always looking for a different kind of tilt to what we’re about as a band in the next project of songs we’re going to release. We’re already thinking about that now. We had a meeting in the U.K. just before we came to Australia about planning the foreseeable future and I would say there’s definitely a new PRIEST album on the way.”