Rob Halford Judas Priestin uudesta materiaalista: ”Yritämme etsiä uusia lähestymistapoja”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 6.2.2017

Brittiläisen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priestin laulaja Rob Halford on antanut Bostonilaisen WZLX-radiokanavan ”SixX Strings” -ohjelmalle haastattelun liittyen yhtyeen tavoitteisiin uuden materiaalin suhteen. Halford kertoi yhtyeen etsivän uusia lähestymistapoja musiikkiinsa, ja hän kertoikin seuraavaa yhtyeen suurimmasta haasteesta pitkän uransa jatkamiseen liittyen:

”Well, putting the notes in a different order. [Laughs] Because, let’s face it, I’ve been doing this now for over forty years of my life, and I know that’s what it’s all about. This is about trying to display an idea from a different perspective, a different angle that has not yet been done before. And it’s extremely challenging, particularly when you’re as microscopic as PRIEST are. We’ve never kind of thrown things together. Sometimes we’ve got lucky, you know — ’Living After Midnight’, ’Breaking The Law’. I would say the bulk of the work that we’ve made over the years has been a labor of love. So that’s where we’re at now — really trying to touch places, go to places, musically, that we haven’t done yet.”

Kysyttäessä onko hänen mielestään hard rockissa ja metallissa yhä kyse parhaimpien kappaleiden kirjoittamisesta, Halford vastasi:

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”Yeah, I do. I think that particularly in today’s really kind of hustling and bustling metal world, you’ve just really gotta work hard, you’ve really gotta try and find an edge, find a direction, find something that makes people go, ’Hey, what is that? What is that riff? What is that melody? What is that hook? That’s pretty cool.’ And it’s easier said than done, but that’s the tenacity, that’s the determination, that’s the real power that you’ve gotta try and find within yourself to make a spark that nobody else has made.”

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