Kuva: Marko Syrjälä

Rob Halford kertoo syöpänsä olevan edelleen remissiossa

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 17.7.2024

Judas Priestin Rob Halford kertoi LifeMinuten haastattelussa eturauhassyöpänsä olevan edelleen remissiossa neljä vuotta ensimmäisen diagnoosin jälkeen. Halford myös kehottaa miehiä käymään verikokeissa tarkistamassa PSA-arvonsa, jotta syöpiä voitaisiin ennaltaehkäistä.

Halford kertoi:

 ”I always take an opportunity to thank the Lord for me being here still, but also my great medical team. And guys, be proactive. Make sure you get your blood work done, your PSA [prostate-specific antigen] checked. I couldn’t believe how efficient and the love and the care and the attention that health workers give to each and every one of us.

I had my prostate removed. I had some meds and follow-up treatment found a little bit more stuff, so we had to go in for two months of radiation treatment.

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You do what you’ve gotta do. The important thing is to stay optimistic, stay positive.

I love my family, my healthcare people that want the best for you. So you can push through it. So anybody that’s struggling with that right now, keep that heavy metal faith. With all the due care and diligence and attention, you’ll survive.”

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