Robert Trujillo hehkuttaa jo Metallican seuraavaa albumia: ”Tiedän uuden loistavan levyn olevan tuloillaan”
Thrash metalin legenda Metallica julkaisi perjantaina kauan odotetun ”Hardwired…To Self-Destruct” -albuminsa, joka on kovasta promoamisesta huolimatta jäämässä puoleen edejltäjänsä ”Death Magneticin” -myyntiluvuista. Yhtyeen basisti Robert Trujillo on nyt kertonut Rock Antenne -radiokanavalle yhtyeen aloittaneen jo seuraavan levynsä valmistelun, vaikkakin tuotos on ymmärrettävästi vielä vairhaisessa vaiheessa. Hän kommentoi:
“I’ve been in this business a while and I’ve seen a lot of bands who get a little bit older and lose some of that fire and edge. They lose their creativity.”
“I think we’re growing together now more than ever creatively, which is really exciting.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy“Already there’s been a couple of loose jams that have been like, ‘Whoa – that’s pretty good.’ I know there’s another great album probably waiting to happen.”
“That drives Lars crazy, because it took a lot to make this one. Creatively I see it. I feel it. I’m excited about where we’re at and where we’re going.”
Tuore albumi on pitkälti laulaja-kitaristi James Hetfieldin ja rumpali Lars Ulrichin käsialaa, mutta Trujilloa tämä ei häiritse lainkaan:
“Songwriting credits? It’s not a big deal,” says the bassist. “I thing the bigger deal is how the songs develop, and my role in supporting a song.”
“Whether the idea comes from James or me, or whatever, it doesn’t matter. What matters is, does the song sound great when it’s finished?”
“The great thing about Hardwired – I love the songs, the sonics, the sound, the production.”
“I love the fact that I was able to go into the vocal booth with James and sing backups, and be part of the vocal production on that level, which is something I don’t think had ever happened.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy“There’s a lot of really great experiences with this album. I’m looking forward to the next record in this journey.”
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