Five Finger Death Punch Hartwall Arena 20.1.2020

Rock In The Cityyn sekä Sauna Open Airiin saapuva Five Finger Death Punch tiedottaa saaneensa tulevan albuminsa valmiiksi

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 5.4.2022

Tänä kesänä heinäkuussa Oulun Rock In The Cityyn sekä Sauna Open Airiin saapuva Five Finger Death Punch on julkaissut YouTubessa lyriikkavideon vuonna 2020 ilmestyneen ”F8” -albumin kappaleesta ”Brighter Side Of Grey”. Voit katsoa videon tästä:

Bändi julkaisi lyriikkavideon julkaisun yhteydessä myös virallisen tiedotteen, jonka mukaan yhtye on saanut valmiiksi tulevan yhdeksännen albuminsa, ja siitä tullaan tiedottamaan pian lisää. Voit lukea tiedotteen tästä:

“It’s hard to believe that our last record “F8” came out over 2 years ago in the beginning of 2020, born into the whirlwind of events that dominated our lives and will echo into the rest of our history. Those of you intimately familiar with that album, now know how some of F8’s dystopian lyrics became rather prophetic.

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Brighter Side of Grey was an important song on that record, but especially personal to Ivan (who’s the only parent in the band). It is a more than fitting commentary to what’s going on in the world that probably needs a good reminder right about now that we are here only for second, a tiny blip on the flow of time… not just as individuals but as an entire species… It took a trillion conditions to be just right for human life to exist in this Universe yet it takes just one to go terribly wrong and make it all disappear.

This song also serves as the perfect bridge to our new album we just finished this week, which generally revolves around similar existential questions. It’s incredible how much we don’t understand about our own existence, yet everyone’s relationship with the concept of death permeates, even orients their entire lives. Can’t wait to share it… enjoy this video, and stay tuned for new music and big tour announcements in the very near future!”

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