Rockmaailma reagoi vahvasti Chester Benningtonin kuolemaan: näin eri muusikot muistelevat laulajaa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.7.2017

Yhdysvaltalaisen rockyhtye Linkin Parkin laulajan Chester Benningtonin kuolema pysäytti eilen koko rockmaailman. Linkin Park toimi monelle eri yhtyeelle suurena innoittajana ja monet yhtyeet ovatkin osoittaneet suruvalittelunsa Chesterin perheelle suuren surun keskellä. Voit lukea lukuisten eri muusikoiden julkaisemia muistokirjoituksia Chesteriin liittyen tästä:

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Black days, may we all find peace

A post shared by Taylor Momsen (@taylormomsen) on

I'm loss for words…. why, why, why. Rest in peace, Chester.

A post shared by Cristina Scabbia (@cristinascabbia) on

Don't even know what to say. Rest easy

A post shared by Kevin Skaff (@kevineffinskaff) on

Rest easy, beautiful boy. Chester B., RIP

A post shared by Skiba, Matthew T. (@matttskiba) on

#ripChesterBennington fuck dude.Absolute direct influence on my band.

A post shared by Robert Ortiz (@robertetf) on

Honestly, Chester's an old friend who we've hung with many times, and I have friends who are extremely close to him, but this is truly pissing me off! How can these guys send this message to their kids and fans?! I'm sick of this suicide shit! I've battled depression/mental illness, and I'm trying to be sempethetic, but it's hard when you're pissed! Enough is enough! Giving up on your kids, fans, and life is the cowardly way out!!! Not trying to be insensitive… I'm just having an emotional day. Love you Chester. And Chris. I'm sorry, I know meds and/or alcohol may have been involved, I'm just processing like all of us and I know we are all having some of the same thoughts/feelings. Lord, take Chester in your arms and please re-unite him with his family and all of us one day. Be with his wife and kids with your grace during this difficult time.

A post shared by Brian Welch (@brianheadwelch) on