Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem -festivaalin järjestäminen lopetetaan
Yhdysvalloissa aina vuodesta 2008 asti järjestetty Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem -festivaali menestyi tänä vuonna aikaisempia vuosia huonommin ja mm. festareiden pääesiintyjänä toimineen Slayerin kitaristi Kerry King kritisoi festivaalin kokoonpanoa monessa eri haastattelussa sanoen sen ollen koko festivaalin historian heikoin. Nyt festivaalia järjestävä John L. Reese on julkaissut omalla Facebook -sivullaan viestin, jonka mukaan tämän vuoden festivaali jäi viimeiseksi. Voit lukea Reesen viestin aiheesta tästä:
Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival 2015 comes to an end. After spending 8 calendar years of passion and one full year of my life on the road with the festival, tonight is a very emotional night. All I know is we have all tried our damned hardest to make Mayhem a home for artists, a platform for bands to increase their fan base and a place where people feel welcomed.
There are so many people to thank but most of all I want to thank my family who complete me and I owe everything to. I love you with every fiber of my being Elenie Hovartos Reese Kelsey Reese Kylie Reese and Nicolette Reese
A very very special thank you goes to Jason MayNick Allen, Chelsea Coffey and Mike Kelso without you it never would of happened.
The Mayhem lifers Ray Picard, Keri Lee, Joey Perez, Andy Lee, Benjamin Layden, Mike Terrazas, Strati Hovartos and Perry JohnsonThank you to every single band who have performed and the amazing mayhem crew people who have ever been out with us thank you thank you thank you.
To Perry LaVoisne You are my brother and I cherish our friendship and the fact that we have fought together so many fucking times.
KL and DE ….blood sweat and tears.WITH EVERY END THERE IS A NEW BEGINNING.
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