Rootbrain julkaisi ”Mothertomb”-EP:n ja lyriikkavideon sen nimikappaleelle
Suomalais-saksalainen Rootbrain on julkaissut uuden ”Mothertomb”-EP:n ja lyriikkavideon sen nimikkokappaleelle. Yhtyeen seuraava täyspitkä albumi on jo työn alla.
Vokalisti Jules Näveri taustoittaa kappaletta:
”When I was writing the lyrics for the ‘Mothertomb’ song, I needed a safe place for my thoughts. I felt I needed to get something out from my system which had been occupying my thoughts for a longer period of time. I don’t want to reveal too much about the lyrics because I hope people can interpret them freely. The song was born in late-night escape sessions between Helle and Thomas. I started writing the lyrics when I heard the first demo version of the song much later on.”
EP:stä Näveri kertoo:
”This EP has a major flesh-on-bones moment when we decided to record the Garbage cover ‘#1CRUSH.’ That track ignited a creative flow that carried into the rest of the songs. The four tracks may be vastly different, but on this EP, they work as a cohesive unit. It felt like we were creating in real-time, letting instincts lead the way.”
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