OutoKuva Rotten Sound

Rotten Sound julkaisi lyriikkavideon ”Agony”-kappaleelle

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 17.12.2024

Kotimainen grindcore-yhtye Rotten Sound on julkaissut lyriikkavideon ”Agony”-kappaleelle. ”Agony” on vuoden 2002 ”Murderworks”-albumin päätösraita, jolla vieraili ruotsalaisen grindcore-yhtye Nasumin vokalisti Mieszko Talarczyk. Talarczyk menehtyi 26. joulukuuta 2004 tsunamissa Thaimaassa.
”Murderworks”-albumi saa uusintajulkaisun Time To Kill Recordsin kautta 3. tammikuuta.

Yhtye kertoo kappaleesta:

“‘Agony’ is the closing track for ‘Murderworks’, featuring Mieszko Talarczyk (R.I.P.) on vocals. It’s a furious and heavy grindcore track that was next to impossible to play live due to the split vocals. But we did it a few times and may do it again in the future”

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”Murderworks”-albumista yhtye kertoo:

“‘Murderworks’ is the third full album of Rotten Sound and is also considered as the stepping stone for the band, which also got us finally touring internationally. We had been doing more crusty stuff at first on ‘Under Pressure’ and earlier releases. Then we added elements of death metal on ‘Drain’ and finally started blasting more than ever on ‘Murderworks’. ‘Murderworks’ was created mostly during 2001, when Keijo already lived in Tampere while others still were based in Vaasa. Keijo had moved already in 1997, but on 2001 he was rehearsing more than before with others, who were also spending a lot of time together at the rehearsal place. That extensive rehearsing made the release and entire band tighter than before, which probably has a lot to do with how the album ended up being”.

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