Rotten Soundilta ensimmäinen maistiainen tulevalta albumiltaan
Kotimainen grindcore -jyrä Rotten Sound on julkaissut Youtuben kautta uuden kappaleen nimeltä ”Lazy Asses”. Kappale on peräisin yhtyeen tulevalta ”Abuse To Suffer” -nimiseltä albumilta, joka julkaistaan maaliskuun 18. päivä Season Of Mist Recordsin kautta. Voit kuunnella yhtyeen uuden kappaleen sekä lukea yhtyeen selostuksen kappaleeseen liittyen tästä:
Yhtye itse on kommentoinut kappaletta seuraavasti:
“Our first track starts with an intro by our friend Heikki Järvi, who also did the samples for ‘Exit’ in 2004. We did not ask for anything specific, but somehow the disturbing sounds he created are setting the exactly right mood for this song, which is one of the most aggressive tracks on our new album. Even by our standards, ‘Lazy Asses’ kicks in pretty explosively: fast guitars, blasting drums and an opening grunt, which was strongly influenced by the beginning of the ‘Brain Corrosion’ album by Dead Infection. It is Sami’s song, who openly admits that the idea for this grunting stems from our Polish friends, and I recall that he used their scream on the original demo. Everything about ‘Lazy Asses’ revolves around grind and that is the reason why we placed it at the start although there are other ingredients on this album. The title is pointing a finger at the ultimate waste of money and time: free-riders in the politics. I am sure everyone can easily name a few of them.”
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