Rotten Soundilta lisää uutta musiikkia tulevalta albumilta ”Renewables”-kappaleen muodossa
Kotimainen grindcoren jättiläisiin lukeutuva Rotten Sound on julkaissut uuden kappaleen, joka kantaa nimeä ”Renewables”. Kappale on osa yhtyeen tulevaa albumia ”Apocalypse”, joka ilmestyy maaliskuun 31. päivä Season Of Mist Recordsin kautta. Yhtye kertoo tuoreesta kappaleestaan seuraavaa:
”Renewable energy is obviously good for the future, but the way we mine for batteries quite excessively is creating another problem, because that’s very far from being carbon neutral and is polluting the environment too. The future will show how well we are able to shift e.g. to liquid hydrogen, which could theoretically replace all fossil fuels in some decades and would be CO2-free if created with sun, wind and other natural sources of energy. I suppose the main point is in one of the verses though: we didn’t learn to consume less but end up green washing, quite often without even knowing it. Music was written by Sami, fast and furious and Matti’s lines are bringing again some more depth into the vocals.”