Rumpali Adrian Erlandsson jätti Paradise Lostin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 15.6.2016

Adrian Erlandsson 2016Mm. The Hauntedissa sekä At The Gatesissa parhaillaan soittava rumpali Adrian Erlandsson on jättänyt Paradise Lostin aikataulullisten ongelmien takia. Voit lukea miehen julkaiseman virallisen tiedotteen aiheesta tästä:

“For the ones that don’t already know, I am no longer playing with Paradise Lost.
When “The Plague within” was released last year I was in the middle of gigs with At The Gates and The Haunted
Since I couldn’t make all the gigs for the new album,
it made sense for PL to have someone that can be there the whole time, which I couldn’t.
I want to thank everyone in the band and management.
It has been an amazing ride playing with one of my favourite bands and I feel very proud of the work we did together.”

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