Ruotsalainen Godhead Machinery julkaisi ensimmäisen singlen tulevalta albumiltaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.2.2019

Ruotsalainen black metal -yhtye Godhead Machinery julkaisee toisen studioalbuminsa ”Aligned to the Grid” 5. huhtikuuta Inverse Recodsin kautta. Ensimmäinen single kantaa nimeä ”Alpha” ja musiikkivideo on nähtävissä uutisen lopusta. Bändin kitaristi Kail kommentoi:

“We are very proud and excited to finally pronounce that our second album ’Aligned to the Grid’ is ready for release and that Inverse Records will stand behind our cause once again. Our new blasphemous production was made in Endarker Studios and is filled with songs and lyrics of a much broader spectrum than ever before. The song ’Alpha’ will be our first single and will also take form as our first real music video as a band. It’s very hard to pick one track for the representation of the whole album, but ’Alpha’ was chosen since it summaries most of our musical and lyrical strive”

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