Sabaton aikoo kuvata tulevan Sabaton Open Airin keikkansa DVD:tä varten

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 18.7.2015

Sabaton Tuska 2015Ruotsalainen joulukuussa Suomeenkin taas saapuva metalliyhtye Sabaton on paljastanut oman kotisivunsa kautta, että yhtye aikoo kuvata elokuussa Sabaton Open Airissa soitettavan keikkansa myöhemmin julkaistavaa DVD:tä varten. Yhtyeen uusi DVD tullaan julkaisemaan vuonna 2016. Voit lukea yhtyeen viestin asiaan liittyen tästä:

”[Sabaton Open Air] is happening for the eighth year in a row, and this unique event has, over the years, brought people from around the world to this special show. Fans who have travelled there know what is so special about it, and now our plan is to share that with the rest of the world, so we decided to record the 2015 year’s show in full! [The DVD/Blu-ray] will also contain more SABATON stuff, including more live shows that we will explain more about later.

”We feel that the time is right for another live release. A lot has happened with SABATON since the last release which was recorded 2012 in Poland. We have a new album and Hannes [Van Dahl, drums] is now in the band. But not only that… we now have two new members on the stage. [Tanks] Audie and Walther! And, all together, we now make a show which is better then ever before. This is something we would love to record so it stays forever!

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”If you wanna be part of a totally unique thing, come to Falun and join in the worlds biggest SABATON party.”