Sabatonin organisoima Sabaton Cruise peruuntuu tämän vuoden osalta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.10.2020

Ruotsalaisen power metal -yhtye Sabatonin alun perin joulukuulle 2020 kaavailtu Sabaton Cruise -risteily on päätetty perua koronapandemian vuoksi. Yhtye on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen tiedotteen, ja voit lukea sen tästä:

“Sabaton Cruise 2020 cancelled.

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy

Due to the global Covid-19 situation, it is impossible for us to sail out on the Baltic Sea this year as planned. We have in conjunction with Tallink Silja taken the final decision today that we will cancel the cruise of 2020, with a plan and desire to return cruising in 2021.

Your cruise tickets will be 100% refunded automatically with beginning in just a couple of days.

More refund details from Tallink Silja below:

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy

Tallink Silja will contact all customers affected by cancelled departures.
You will receive a full refund of the booking value. Tallink Silja repays to the same bank account that you used for your payment.

Due to the restrictions in our countries it may take longer than usual to resolve each person’s application, but Tallink Silja will provide a solution for and respond to every single application received.
Welcome to check and update your contact details for current booking / ticket by visiting the “My Booking” section on our website. By doing this you ensure that Tallink Silja can contact you quickly when they need to.”