Sabatonin Pär Sundström: ”Uutta musiikkia on tulossa”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 16.2.2018

Sabatonin basisti Pär Sundström on vahvistanut tuoreessa Double Kickin haastattelussa, että bändi on aloittanut uuden materiaalin työstämisen tulevaa albumia varten:

”It’s gonna take a little while, because, obviously, we have been very, very, very busy, so we can’t keep up with the same schedule as we used to do if we are touring this much. When the world was smaller, touring-wise, we could keep up, because there wasn’t so many shows to do, so we could keep up a higher pace. But now that we have to cover more ground, it’s natural that it takes a little bit longer to write an album. But we are working on it and there will be a new one. That’s why we are taking it a little bit slow here for a little while now.”

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Laulaja Joakim Brodén on kertonut Metal Wanin haastattelussa, että on vielä paljon sotia ja taisteluita, joista voisi syntyä kappaleita:

”We probably have ideas to cover many albums, and we have ideas for themes for several albums as well. In the end, though, we always start with the music and see where that takes us. We have those ideas in mind at all times while writing the music, and then we will see. So, in a sense, the music chooses its subject for us.Sometimes you have a great story and you wanna tell it, but you don’t have the right song for it. Sometimes you have a great song but you can’t find the fucking subject that suits it.”


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Sabatonin keikkakalenteri on siis ollut kiireinen, ja yhtye kiertää tällä hetkellä Pohjois-Amerikkaa yhdessä saksalaisen thrash-veteraani Kreatorin kanssa.

Edellinen albumi, ”The Last Stand”, julkaistiin elokuussa 2016.

Kuuntele Sundströmin antama haastattelu:


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