Sabatonin rumpali Hannes Van Dahl jatkaa bändissä esikoisen syntymän jälkeenkin

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 25.1.2017

Helsingin Jäähallissa helmikuun 24. päivä esiintyvän power metal -yhtye Sabatonin rumpali Hannes Van Dahl aikoo jatkaa bändissä esikoisen syntymän jälkeenkin. Nightwishin laulaja Floor Jansenin sekä Hannes Van Dahlin uran ja perhe-elämän yhdistäminen vaatii varmasti järjestelyä, kun pariskunta saa pian ensimmäisen lapsensa.

Espanjalainen Metal Journal -media kysyi rumpalilta perhetilanteesta sekä sen vaikutuksesta miehen musiikkiuraan. Van Dahl vastasi:

”Well, you know, as far as I’m concerned, nothing will really change, ’cause this is what I do, an this is… this is what I do to make a living. People have had kids before in this business. So, to stop any worries — ’cause I know a lot of people are worried [about me] quitting the band — I will stay in the band. And as far as I can say, when it’s time, I need to go and be there with my family. But when I’ve done that, I’m going back to touring. So I won’t leave. I will be there.”

Floor Jansen kertoi viime vuonna Radio Rockille perheen vaikutuksesta uraansa:

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”Of course, it’s a very challenging combination, and I was very happy that the way [Nightwish is] today — or, actually, have always been — it’s a very open group; we can talk about things. And the guys, actually, were curious. A few months ago, we started talking about it, like, ’So, 2017… How about kids? Yeah?’ So it’s great to think about things together: how can we combine it? Also ’cause my partner is in a successful band, touring a lot. Yeah, then you need the cooperation of the people that you are family with also. So I am not afraid that won’t work. It will be a challenge, for sure, but, yeah, a little Sabaton or Nightwish daycare program sounds lovely, doesn’t it?

Mariskal Rock TV:lle Jansen kertoi aiemmin:

”No, I won’t [quit Nightwish]. I love this way too much; don’t worry. You don’t even have negative speculations one way or another. Things are great, and let’s keep on doing this forever.”

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Floor Jansen antoi KaaosTV:lle haastattelun viime vuonna, jossa kommentoi bändin tauon lisäksi myös lyhyesti tulevaa perheenlisäystä.

Uutiskuva: Youtube-video