Saksalainen Destruction solmi levytyssopimuksen Nuclear Blast Recordsin kanssa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 18.4.2019

Saksalainen, vuonna 1982 perustettu Destruction on solminut levytyssopimuksen Nuclear Blast Recordsin kanssa. Yhtye julkaisee seuraavan albuminsa tämän vuoden elokuussa. Tulevasta albumista julkaistaan lisää tietoa ensi viikolla. Yhtyeen Schmier kommentoi:

”Somehow this came by surprise and I know that sounds weird but we were so focused and excited about finishing the new album, that the paperwork did not really matter to us at that time!   When we did realize that our contract with the label is due, it took us only some minutes to negotiate a new deal!
We are a part of the NUCLEAR BLAST family now since more than 15 years, we feel at home here, we trust each other in this monkey business and also many people that work for the label we call our friends.
So this re-signing is something that came very easy and natural. Working with the best label in METAL is still an honor cause they supported us thru the good and the bad times!
DESTRUCTION 2019 are stronger than ever, the new line up is killing & we will have more news about the upcoming record very soon – please stay tuned dear metalheads!”

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