Salivalta luvassa uusi albumi syyskuussa: Ensimmäinen single ”Come Back Stronger” kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.7.2023

Yhdysvaltalainen rockyhtye Saliva on julkaisemassa seuraavan ”Revelation”-nimisen albuminsa syyskuun 8. päivä Megaforce Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu kuunneltavaksi ensimmäisenä singlenä biisi nimeltä ”Come Back Stronger” ja yhtyeen laulaja Bobby Amaru kertoo tulevasta albumista seuraavaa:

“We started working on this record in 2020 During the pandemic shutdown. I felt like we had to get outside of the box with this one. I’ve been sober almost 5 years now and there are many songs on this record that are a reflection of it. I just wanted to connect with the listener and pull them into what I was dealing with but also shed some light on overcoming personal adversity.

With the passing of Wayne in March, I felt lost. Where do I go? I knew We had this record we were all stoked about. Wayne‘s influence is all over these songs and in my opinion his playing on this album is next level. It’s the only right thing to do to honor him and all our hard work and release it. I just want to share with the world what we have worked on the last 3 plus years.”

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