Salt The Wound palaa yhteen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.11.2010

Yhdysvaltalainen deathcore -yhtye Salt The Wound palaa yhteen erottuaan vuosi sitten. Nykyiseen kokoonpanoon kuulu samat miehet jotka olivat nauhottamassa bändin ensimmäistä albumia, kitaristi Jake Scottin mukaan toisen albumin aikainen kokoonpano ei vain toiminut. Bändi julkaisee uuden albuminkin maaliskuussa Rotten Recordsin kautta. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen virallisen tiedoitteen asiasta.

After taking the last year off from music we have decided that it is time for the real Salt the Wound to re-emerge. We have reformed with the line-up that recorded our debut Rotten Records release ’Carnal Repercussions’ featuring Kevin Schaefer on vocals, Jake Scott on guitar, and Brandon Tabor (The Analyst, Believe you me) on drums. We will be filling second guitar and bass duties for live appearances and tours with some familiar faces that some of you may have seen with us on previous tours in the United States and abroad.

We had released an album last year called ’Ares’ on Rotten Records with a different line up and it just didn’t work for Salt the Wound, I love the album we made but it just wasn’t us. It was essential for me to reconnect with Kevin and Brandon whom I wrote and recorded Carnal with to make a REAL Salt the Wound album again.

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