Sami Hinkka julkaisi ystävänpäiväaiheisen soolosinglen

Kirjoittanut Niko Kuusela - 20.2.2022

Muun muassa Ensiferumista tuttu Sami Hinkka on julkaissut ssSHhh-soolobändinsä alla tuoreen ystävänpäiväsinglen ”Can’t Help Falling In Love”. Biisi on alun perin rock-legenda Elvis Presleyn tuotantoa, ja se julkaistiin kuluvan viikon maanantaina.

“I’ve been thinking about releasing some covers with ssSHhh for a while, but I just had to make my own version of one of my favourite songs from Elvis! The idea was to respect the original whilst adding my own ’twist’.

I had a hard time coming up with a cover art that would be ’kitsch’ enough for this one. Then I looked over at my cats and there they were – sleeping in an almost-heart-shaped position! Click!

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Anyway, here is a song to get you in to the right mood while preparing for your Valentine’s Day’s date, or to send to your loved ones to tell them how important they are!“– Sami Hinkka