Saturnus kiinnitetty Cyclone Empire Recordsille

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.12.2011

Tanskalainen melodista doom metallia soittava Saturnus on kiinnitetty Cyclone Empire Recordsille. Yhtye julkaisee uuden vielä nimeämättömän albuminsa keväällä 2012. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen virallinen viesti sopimukseen liittyen.

”We are extremely happy and excited about having signed with Cyclone Empire to release our new album. Cyclone Empire were one of the interested labels from back in June who received a demo of some new songs. In time we formed relationship via our management, Lugga Music, who helped co-ordinate things until we arrived to where we are today.

”The deal is for two albums, with the first CD to be released in the spring of 2012.

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”The studio has not been decided yet, but we have already contacted and lined up our longtime collaborator Flemming Rasmussen to begin recording in December.

”The album title has not been decided yet but we have 5 finished songs with the working titles ’Litany Of Rain’, ’Between Worm And Woeful Star’, ’A Father’s Providence’, ’Wind Torn’ and ’Forest Of Insomnia’. These five songs and some other new tracks are currently undergoing their final touches.”

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