Satyriconin Satyr kuopatusta Eibon-projektista yhdessä Phil Anselmon kanssa: ”Anselmon huumeongelmat kaatoivat koko projektin”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.12.2018

Norjalaisen black metal -yhtye Satyriconin laulajan Sigurd ”Satyr” Wongravenin oli alunperin tarkoitus julkaista albumi yhdessä Panterasta ja Downista tutun laulajan Phil Anselmon kanssa Eibon-nimen alla, mutta projekti kuopattiin yli kaksi vuosikymmentä sitten. Satyr on kertonut projektista lisää tuoreessa Landry.Audion haastattelussa ja kertonut projektin joutuneen kuopatuksi lähinnä Anselmon jatkuvien huumeongelmien vuoksi, koska miehen kanssa studiossa työskentelystä ei tullut mitään. Satyrin mukaan projekti ei edennyt edes studiossa Anselmon keskittyessä lähinnä juomiseen, ja se sai laulajan turhautumaan koko projektiin. Satyr kertoi kuitenkin haastattelussa toivovansa vielä joskus tekevänsä musiikkia yhdessä Phil Anselmon kanssa:

”Every time when my brother Philip and I meet, we talk about it. ”So that’s surely something that we would love to do. But it is hard to make that happen. I’m not really in touch with Fenriz, and nor is Philip. I guess Killjoy of NECROPHAGIA didn’t necessarily… I don’t know if he… In terms of lyrics, that was pretty much Philip, for the most part, and in terms of music, that was 95 percent me, if not more.

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”Being brutally honest, Philip and I could do EIBON without Fenriz and without our late brother Killjoy, but I think that we should have finished it when we were working on this back in the late ’90s [and] early 2000s,” he continued. ”But, frankly speaking, it was Philip’s addiction at the time that ruined this whole project. That’s all there is to it. [We] can talk about this and that, but that’s what it comes down to. At the time, he was beyond fucked up. Yeah, but he really was. We were in the studio trying to do things. I’d come out from the recording room, [and] I’d find him lying, passed out on pills, heroin, whatever, on the floor, with his entourage surrounding him, not wanting to interfere or do anything that could offend him, because he was the big guy. And then I’d be thinking to myself, ’What the hell is this? I love this guy and he’s a great musician, but I’m a black metal guy; I’m not a PANTERA fan. And when I travel from the other side of the world to come work, I’m here to work, not to do drugs.’ So, for me, that was a deeply frustrating period that really upset me. But I consider Philip one of my very best friends and an outstanding musician, so, in one way or another, I would love to do more music with Philip at some point, that’s for sure.

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